Kat Rist Kat Rist

5 Crystals to Ease Anxiety

Anxiety is unfortunately extremely prevalent in the current day and age. Most people will probably experience it at some point in their life. It may make it difficult to concentrate, be intentional, or be present in the moment, and it can often paralyze people from going out in the world and living their best lives. Fortunately there are many ways to combat anxiety alongside help from professionals, therapy, and medication. Meditation, yoga, and aromatherapy can all be super helpful tools in treating anxiety. Another potentially powerful way to ease your anxiety is through the use of crystals!

Crystals have been used by people for centuries and are said to harness powerful vibrations and energy fields. They can work in different ways to comfort and support those in need. Simply hold them in the palm of your hand during meditation, wear them on your person throughout the day, or even place a crystal under your pillow while you sleep at night. Personally, I love to place them around my house so I can benefit from the good vibrations and have some pretty decor!

Here is a handful of crystals that can work wonderfully to help ease your anxiety.


Amethyst is an awesome crystal to use to ward off anxiety. It is especially known for its peaceful, stabilizing, calming, balancing, and relaxing effects. It is a powerful crystal for cleansing negative energy, and is an especially psychic gemstone that works well for banishing those vibe-killing irrational thoughts anxiety can cause.


Snowflake Obsidian is a crystal known for optimism, purity, balance, insight, protection, and truth. Since it works well at lifting the spirit and providing powerful doses of optimism it may help with anxiety as well. For many of us, anxiety is most likely to kick in when we are already in a dark and diminished mental state which makes Snowflake Obsidian a wonderful choice.


Sodalite harnesses the power of harmony, truth, intuition, order, self-esteem, and logic. It is wonderful at boosting intuition and strengthening your resolve to live authentically. When we are at harmony and peace and feel truly comfortable with ourselves we are in an empowered state to combat anxiety. With less insecurity and doubt you will certainly experience a decrease in anxiety as well.


Tiger’s Eye is another perfect crystal to use against anxiety. It can give you a wonderful boost of confidence, courage, and strength. It’s other qualities include a calming effect, strength to persevere, and a sense of resilience. These wonderful powers can work together to give you a much needed boost of confidence that is sure to lessen your anxiety. This crystal is especially helpful in combating social anxiety.


Labradorite is a wonderful crystal to use for protection. It promotes awareness, intuition, transformation, and support. It works to protect you from negative energy, preventing anxiety. It can also give you a helpful boost of positive, healing energy.

Disclaimer: this article is in no way intended to be used as medical advice or a substitution for medical care. If you are experiencing anxiety, please seek help from a medical professional.

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Kat Rist Kat Rist

Honor Your Ancestors for Samhain

Samhain (pronounced “SAH-win” or “SOW-in”) is a pagan festival rooted in ancient Gaelic spiritual traditions. It is celebrated from October 31st to November 1st, and is a time to welcome in the season’s harvest and the darker half of the year. During this holiday, the veil between the physical world and spiritual world is at its thinnest. Samhain is the most significant of the four quarterly fire festivals, and is the halfway point between the autumn equinox and winter solstice. It is sometimes referred to as the “Witches’ New Year.” Historically, traditions include things like large community gatherings, feasts, bonfires, guising, saining, divination, and honoring and remembering the dead.

There are so many ways to honor, remember, and connect with those on the other side, not only during the season of the witch, but always! The following methods can of course be utilized at any time of year, but what better time to use them than now, while the veil is thin?!


I love using this time of year as an excuse to try out new methods of divination! I just used a set of divination dice for the first time, and it was a really neat experience. So whether you prefer Tarot, oracle decks, a pendulum, dowsing rods, etc., it doesn’t matter! Find a technique you vibe with and reach out; the connections you create might surprise you!


Have you ever tried dropping in and connecting with your ancestors or spirit guides (perhaps ancestral spirit guides) through meditation? It can take some practice, but with just a little focus and time it can be an incredibly healing experience.


Dedicate a space somewhere to your ancestors. It can be big or small, a whole room or just a spot on a shelf. Set up the space with candles, photos of passed loved ones, crystals, symbols of life & death, offerings, and any trinkets or talismans that hold significance or meaning for you.


Gather with your community, friends, and family. Take the time to remember your loved ones and the lives they lived before you. Share your favorite memories; share stories that have been passed down for generations.


Serve a delicious dinner at your holiday gathering! Feast with your loved ones on a meal with roots in your ancestral lands, or even just the favorite meal of a dead relative. Set out a plate for your deceased loved ones as an offering, tossing the food outside and giving it back to the Earth afterwards.

I hope I was able to provide a little insight on some easy ways to honor the ancestors in your life and celebrate during this transitional time of year! Please note, I do not refer to ancestors as only those blood related to you. Ancestors do not necessarily have to be “family.” Also, If you have any more ideas or traditions you partake in, I’d love to hear about them in the comments below! Thanks for reading!

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16 Witchy Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice has been celebrated across the globe since ancient times. Here are some ideas to inspire your very own solstice celebration!

The Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer or Litha to some, falls on the longest day of the year, opposite to Yule. It’s a time of year that has been celebrated all around the world by many cultures. This day marks the peak of the sun’s power, as ancient societies heavily relied on the sun for their livelihood.

Celtic mythology associates Summer Solstice with a battle between light and dark, the Oak King and the Holly King. Each solstice, they battle for power and the balance of nature shifts. During Litha, the Holly King wins the battle, ruling until Yule, while the days get shorter. The Celts were known to have hilltop bonfires and dance in celebration. They also spent time recognizing the goddess Aine, the goddess of love, summer, and fertility.

The Romans spent this time of year worshiping Juno (the wife of Jupiter) and Vesta. Juno is recognized as the goddess of women, childbirth, and fertility, while Vesta is the goddess of hearth, home, and family.

Those of Norse tradition celebrated with bonfires, feasts, and rituals dedicated to Freyr, the god of fertility. Other early Europeans set alight large wheels that they would roll down hills into bodies of water. It is suspected that these wheels represented the sun.

Regardless of specific beliefs, this time of year has been celebrated by many cultures across the globe, as with other holidays and festivals celebrating the turning of the wheel of the year.

So, what are some ways we can celebrate this ancient holiday today?

  1. Soak up some sunshine. 🌞

  2. Have a bonfire, or light a candle. 🕯️

  3. Get organized, clean & clear clutter. 🗃️🧼

  4. Meditate in nature. 🧘

  5. Dance! 🕺🏻

  6. Practice yoga. 🤸‍♀️

  7. Harvest and dry herbs. 🌿

  8. Bake with fresh herbs & fruits. 🫐

  9. Make fresh jam or jelly. 🍓

  10. Tend to your garden/plants. 🪴

  11. Create an altar. 🌼

  12. Go for a swim. 🏊‍♀️

  13. Have a picnic or cookout with friends & family. 🧺

  14. Create a nature mandala. 🌸

  15. Reflect on and celebrate your accomplishments. 📝

  16. Celebrate Earth’s abundance and the Sun’s life-giving energy. 🌎

I hope everyone has the most magical Solstice. What are you doing to celebrate? Let me know in the comments!

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